Thursday, August 7, 2008


hey guys! here's an update on things we need, things coming up, etc.
  • tomorrow
    • freshman band camp
    • 1 pm-3 pm
    • dress appropriately and in tennis shoes
    • not mandatory, but if you want to brush up on basics, feel free to come
    • water!
  • band camp
    • for everyone
    • 9 am-1 pm for marching week
      • 2 pm-3 pm will be for unity groups, please stay
    • 12 pm-8 pm for last two weeks
      • bring money for lunch or bring a sack lunch
    • dress in black & white and tennis shoes!
    • sunscreen!
    • sunglasses
  • things to save your pennies for:
    • rifle - $25
    • jazz pants - $15
    • band fees
keep checking here for updates.

see you soon,

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